Sunday, September 16, 2012

Prairie Weather: Congressional Republicans "complaining" about ...

Do you see the tea stains here?? A yearning for the good old days of Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann?

The GOP members say Romney must do a better job of communicating to voters what to expect of him, either by making a bold pledge akin to George H.W. Bush?s 1988 ?no new taxes? promise or fleshing policy proposals with more details.

Papa Bush was down after the Democratic convention in 1988, people worried he couldn?t come back and then he made his ?read my lips, no new taxes? pledge,? said one senator who requested anonymity. ...The Hill

Which of course Poppy didn't honor, once elected.? But who cares about truth when lying gets you more votes.? Sheesh!? You know these guys are really out to lunch when they say -- of Mitt Romney! -- that Mitt Romney should manage our money.

?He should say, ?I?m a money manager and I will manage your money in Washington. I will eliminate waste, fraud and abuse. Obama wants you to send more money so he can spend more money.??...The Hill

What Romney's good at is taking other people's money and business for himself and living the high life. Honest, I don't want him anywhere near what's left of my money after ten years of rule by Romney's it's-all-about-profit party.? Look where that left us...


It's not just discontent about Romney and money issues.? It's everything else.

Mitt Romney?s reaction to the deaths of American diplomats in Libya has Republican elders suddenly worrying he may have delivered a self-inflicted game changer to his campaign.

They won?t say so publicly, out of party loyalty and fear of retaliation. But some of these sources ? who all backed him in the primaries ? fear Romney has damaged himself by appearing to play politics with foreign policy.

?This could be a defining moment,? a prominent party elder told the Daily News. ?It?s another John McCain moment.? ...

...? These in-house critics agree it?s too early to declare Romney cooked. But they?re fearful ? and bracing for more downbeat polling news over the weekend.

The latest round of surveys were bad enough, showing Obama has opened leads in Ohio, Florida and Virginia ? and they were tallied before Romney?s comments. Most political insiders believe Romney can?t win without carrying at least two of those battleground states.

?At some point, these things pile up and raise the specter of a tipping point,? another veteran Republican strategist fretted last week. At a minimum, ?this does not qualify as positive yardage.? ...Daily News


Republican activists are incredulous: Why can't Republican Mitt Romney seem to break open a tight race with President Barack Obama given the nation's sluggish economy and conservative enthusiasm to beat the Democrat?

"He ought to be killing Obama, and he's clearly not doing that," said 32-year-old R.J. Robinson, one of the thousands of activists attending the annual Values Voters Summit this weekend. "He should be doing better." ...HuffPo

Forget about all the states Romney appears to be losing, look at the Republican "base," as represented by the "Values" voters.? They didn't like him before, and it looks like "anybody but Obama" has stopped working as well as it once did.

The summit was filled with rhetoric meant to fire up the party's base voters. Romney needs them to turn out in force at the polls in November and, between now and then, to convince others to do the same through extensive get-out-the-vote grassroots canvassing in swing-voting states. To energize them, dozens of high-profile conservatives ? including former presidential candidate Rick Santorum and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor ? used their speeches to paint the 2012 race as a transformational moment in the country's history and insist that the president is turning the nation into a place its founders wouldn't recognize.

Energy was high inside the hotel ballroom where the luminaries spoke.

But frustration with Romney coursed through the hallways... HuffPo

And they resent the Romney campaign for not using Ryan to greater advantage.? Many of us on the other side would love to see Ryan let loose, too, though not for the same reason.? Ryan is an enthusiastic liar of convenience when he's given enough room.? So give him plenty of room, Republicans!


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