Friday, August 31, 2012

What Is Typical Realtor Commision % (or Range) That Seller Pays ...


Q: 1) What is the typical range or fixed rate of commision for seller?s realtor when selling vacant land? How negotiable is this?
2) Does the qty of land (eg 2 acres vs 100 acres) affect realtor?s commission?
3) What?s the avg base salary range for a Realtor working for a well-known agency (apart from/ IN ADDITION to the commissions they get )? Or is commission the only income for realtor working for a real estate agency?
4) Is it unwise for Seller to allow his Realtor to also be the Buyer?s realtor (ie a ?:double agent? so to speak? If so, why? If not, why not?
?Milly, Newago, MI

A: Realtors can?t fix their commission. Each office has a different one. I suggest you interview a few different companies and compare what each can do.
Matt Laricy is a Realtor? with Americorp Real Estate in Chicago, IL.

A: Dear MI Seller,

I am a California Licenses Realtor, so things may be different in your state. In my area, it is customary to charge 6% for a standard residential sale. With lots and land, the commission is usually significantly higher, due to the nature of selling lots and land. It takes longer and more marketing dollars to advertise/market land and see it through the entire sales process. As a result commissions on land sales are often anywhere from 10%-20%.

Commissions are ALWAYS negotiable; that?s the law. Whether or not you will be able to negotiate a rate you like, is open. Just remember when negotiating commission fees, you often get what you pay for. For instance, if a Realtor is quick to let you negotiate a lower commission than he/she usually charges, then how good will that Realtor be at negotiating in general? You want a Realtor who can negotiate a good sale price and terms for you.

A good negotiator will explain in detail why he/she is worth the commission charged. Your Realtor should provide you with a list of the work to be performed, schedule of marketing and advertising, and length of time expected to get the property sold.

The quantity of land does not usually affect the commission.

Usually Realtors work on commission only; they do not earn a base salary. Additionally, say your Realtor charges you a 10% commission. He/she will have to split that 10% with the buyer?s agent. So that leaves your Realtor with 5% of your sale price. Then, your Realtor has to share his/her 5% with his office/broker, which is usually anywhere from 25%-40%. At the end of the transaction, your Realtor may end up with as little as 60% of 5% of the sale price. And Realtors pay for their own advertising and marketing, errors & omissions insurance, business license, etc.; their office does not customarily pay for any of those expenses.

Best practice is to not allow your agent to represent both the buyer and seller. However, I would allow the same company to represent both sides, meaning Realtor Bob from ABC Realty is your agent and Realtor Jane from the same company represents the buyer? that scenario is still called ?dual agency? because one COMPANY is representing both sides, even though two different Realtors are doing the work.

I personally NEVER represent both the buyer and seller. I focus solely on the needs of my seller and if a buyer comes my way wanting to buy your land, I help that buyer by referring him/her to a good Realtor; that way I?m not turning away a possible buyer and I?m remain focused on you.

Many agents prefer to ?double-end? a deal for the obvious reason of an increased commission. If you decide to allow your agent to represent the buyer too, then consider negotiating a commission that is something like this: ?15% commission to be split with buyer?s agent; 10% commission if Seller?s agent represents both sides?.

I hope you find this information helpful!

DeniseTheRealtor CA DRE Lic No 01481788
Denise Shur is a Realtor? with 1:1 Realty in San Jose, CA.

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Related posts:

  1. Who Pays The Realtor Fee If The Buyer And Seller Use The Same Realtor?
  2. What Percentage Of The Sale Price Do Realtors Charge?
  3. Is It Unethical For A Realtor To Charge Commission On Closing Costs When The Seller Agrees To Pay Closing Costs For The Buyer?
  4. How Much Will Commission Be On The Sale Of Land?
  5. What Is The Average Realtor Commission On Selling Land?


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Liftoff! NASA launches twin probes to study Earth's radiation belts

This story was updated at 6 a.m. ET.

An unmanned rocket turned night into day early Thursday (Aug. 30) as two heavily armored NASA spacecraft finally launched into orbit study Earth's harsh radiation belts after a week of delays.

The twin Radiation Belt Storm Probes launched at 4:05 a.m. EDT (0805 GMT) today from Florida's Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, lighting up the predawn sky as it soared into space atop an unmanned United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket. The liftoff had been planned for Aug. 23, but it was pushed back two days due to technical glitches, and then another five days to avoid foul weather from Tropical Storm Isaac.

"It was a wonderful event, a very smooth countdown," NASA launch manager Tim Dunn said after the launch, adding that the Atlas 5 gave NASA's newest science satellites "a great ride."

"We're all thrilled. Just excited as can be," Dunn added.

After a 60-day commissioning period on orbit, the new radiation-tracking spacecraft will begin the science phase of their two-year mission, which aims to help scientists understand how Earth's two doughnut-shaped Van Allen radiation belts affect our planet's space weather.

Such information could have considerable practical applications, researchers said, since extreme space weather can knock out satellites and disrupt GPS signals, radio communications and power grids.

"RBSP will be able to predict the extremes and the dynamic conditions of space weather," Mona Kessel, program scientist for the $686 million mission at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C., told reporters in a prelaunch briefing on Aug. 20. [Launch Photos: NASA's Radiation Probes Blast Off]

Mysterious radiation belts

The twin solar-powered probes will ply the Van Allen belts, where trillions of high-energy charged particles from the sun have been trapped by Earth's magnetic field. These fast-moving particles can damage satellites and potentially pose a threat to orbiting astronauts.

To deal with this harsh radiation environment, critical components on each RBSP spacecraft are shielded by 0.33 inches (8.5 millimeters) of aluminum.

The inner Van Allen belt usually extends from the top of Earth's atmosphere to about 4,000 miles up (6,437 kilometers), while the outer one runs from around 8,000 to more than 26,000 miles above our planet (12,874 to 41,842 km). The belts are dynamic, however, and can expand greatly during solar storms.

Though the two belts were discovered in 1958, they remain mysterious today. For example, the belts sometimes react quite differently to seemingly similar solar outbursts, for reasons scientists don't yet understand.

The RBSP team hopes the twin probes can help researchers get to the bottom of such puzzles.

"RBSP was designed to answer the questions of how these radiation belts are responding," said mission deputy project scientist Nicola Fox, of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md.

Working together

The nearly identical RBSP spacecraft are about 6 feet wide by 4 feet tall (1.8 by 1.2 meters), though their span increases to 10.5 feet (3.2 m) with their solar panels deployed. Each weighs roughly 1,400 pounds (635 kilograms).

The probes will fly in formation through the Van Allen belts on highly elliptical orbits, mapping out the regions' magnetic fields and charged particle density with their eight science instruments.

"We need eight because we're measuring across this huge [particle] energy range," said Harlan Spence of the University of New Hampshire, one of the mission's principal investigators.

And launching two spacecraft rather than one is not redundant, either, scientists said. The probes' observations will allow researchers to determine whether differences in radiation levels inside the belts reflect changes across space or time.

Together, the RBSP spacecraft will precisely track how the Van Allen belts ebb and flow over time. This information ? combined with observations from sun-watching spacecraft like NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory ?could greatly improve scientists' space weather forecasts down the road, researchers said.

RBSP's measurements could also have more immediate benefits, they added.

The probes' observations "will be delivered in near real time to users all over the world, so that those users can use the space weather data to protect sensitive ground-based as well as space-based assets," said Michael Luther, deputy associate administrator for programs for NASA's Science Mission Directorate.

Follow senior writer Mike Wall on Twitter @michaeldwall or @Spacedotcom. We're also on Facebook and?Google+.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

How Many Grains of Sand Are on Earth's Beaches?

The Math Dude: Quick & Dirty Tips to Make Math Simpler

Scientific American presents Math Dude by Quick & Dirty Tips. Scientific American and Quick & Dirty Tips are both Macmillan companies.

Today we?re going to learn how math makes it easy to estimate things that seem practically impossible to calculate. In particular, since summer is in full swing, we?re going to take math to the beach and think about the age-old question: How many grains of sand are on all of Earth?s beaches? As long time Math Dude fans may recall, we first learned about using math to make estimates when we watched Secret Agent Math daringly calculate how many breaths of air there are in a sealed room. So why are we revisiting this topic? Because learning to combine your brain with math to make estimates is an absolutely invaluable skill?and it?s a skill that?s only developed with practice. Which is exactly what we?re going to do today.

Step 1: Make a Plan Sometimes it?s fun to jump right in and do something without really knowing what you?re doing. And while that kind of spontaneity is great for things like claymation and spur-of-the-moment weekend trips, it?s a really bad idea for tackling math problems. As such, the first thing we need to do today is make a plan for figuring out how many grains of sand there are on Earth?s beaches. I know this might sound like a nearly impossible task, but rest assured that overcoming these seemingly long odds?and the sense of dread they instill in the hearts of otherwise brave souls?is precisely what our plan will do.

The best way to tackle a tough problem like this is to break it down into easier parts. In our case, if we can estimate how many grains of sand there are in a typical volume of beach (say the number of grains per cubic meter), and then estimate what the volume of sand is on all the beaches of the world (say in cubic meters), then all we have to do to find the total number of grains of sand is multiply these two numbers together. Easy, right? Well, okay?perhaps this still isn?t exactly easy. But let?s continue marching bravely forward to see if we can tackle each of these sub-problems on their own, and then to see if this divide-and-conquer approach can help make the seemingly impossible possible.

> Continue reading on


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Joel Parkinson and Jeremy Flores emerge triumphant in Round 3 at ...

Joel Parkinson and Jeremy Flores emerge triumphant in Round 3 at Billabong Pro Tahiti

Australia?s Joel Parkinson and France?s Jeremy Flores successfully advanced to the fourth round of Billabong Pro Tahiti, the fifth of ten stops on the 2012 Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP) World Championship Tour, following their winning performances in their respective Round 3 heats that went down at Teahupo?o in Taiarapu, Tahiti, on Sunday, August 26.

Parkinson got the better of America?s Taylor Knox in the seventh heat to secure his place in the fourth round while bringing the competition to a premature end for his rival.

The eighth heat saw Flores put on an impressive performance to down Brazil?s Heitor Alves, consequently advancing to the next round of the competition while sending his rival packing.

The rapidly increasing three-to-five foot waves breaking at the primary event site on the latest day of elite tour, promising to deliver a handful of exquisite performances as the best surfers from around the globe squared-off for survival in front of a massive crowd, both physically present as well as catching the action live through webcast.

The seventh heat pitted Parkinson against Knox in a man-on-man battle for the Round 4 spot. While the Australian surfer had been in top-notch form since the start of the season, Knox had made his own intimidating form evident on the opening day of the latest elite tour event, taking down the former two-time ASP World Champion Mick Fanning.

As the contest got underway, Parkinson went through a series of average scores before posting a 7.00 on the score-board and immediately followed it up with a 5.83-point ride, thus finishing with a heat-total of 12.83 points.

Knox responded with a lacklustre performance, managing to score a mere 1.70 and 2.77 off his best-two waves to finish with a heat-total of 4.47 points.

The eighth heat saw Flores square-off with Alves. The French surfer looked promising right from the word go, scoring a 6.60 off his first business-wave and went on to add an excellent 9.00 to his account in the dying minutes of the heat to end up finishing with a heat-total of 15.60 points.

Alves responded with a couple of scores in the six-point range, finishing with a resultant heat-total of 12.60 points. The response proved inadequate, consequently forcing him to concede victory and thus the Round 4 spot to his rival.


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Most annoying things you do on your cellphone

Mike Kemp / Getty Images/Rubberball

Girl talking on cell phone at movie theater with annoyed boy

By Thorin Klososki, Lifehacker

Talking on the phone while driving; checking Facebook at the dinner table; taking pictures of everything. We're all annoying someone with the way we use our phones.

Last week Lifehacker asked readers what annoyed them most about how people use their smartphones. Many shared pet peeves, but just as often they admitted that they're also guilty of doing these annoying things.

It's impossible to make hard rules about phone etiquette, since you might find annoying what I find perfectly acceptable, but at the very least, it's worthwhile to know that some people might be annoyed by your behavior.

We've rounding up the most common, most annoying smartphone habits, offering some quick fixes, then providing a longer list of other common complaints you may want to keep in mind next time you reach for your phone.

Problem: The multi-tasking driver
Driving and using a phone is illegal in most states, but that doesn't stop people from doing it. Driving and talking (or texting) is so dangerous, the U.S. government has an official site filled with horrifying statistics like, "Drivers who use hand-held devices are 4 times more likely to get into crashes serious enough to injure themselves." Lifehacker user "Adventure!" puts the problem bluntly:

Driving while using a cellphone. Dangerous, stupid, illegal in a lot of places (because it's dangerous and stupid), and yet people feel the need to be glued to their phones while piloting a vehicle that can kill people if you take your attention away for even a moment.

Solution: Remove the temptation
When we talked about how to drive safely while using your cell phone, we emphasized that the only real way to use a cell phone safely in your car is to not use it all. That's easier said than done for some people. If your willpower for blocking out a cell phone ring is weak, silence your phone before you get in the car so you're not distracted by it.

Getty Images stock

For those who absolutely must answer their phones, your best bet is to grab a Bluetooth headset for hands-free use (here are five good ones to get you started). If your phone also doubles as a GPS device and music player, you can integrate your phone into your car for easy access, voice control, and music playing.

Problem: The smartphone addict
Ever since the game Snake first arrived on Nokia phones, cries of fellow diners everywhere have echoed, "Put your phone away while we're eating!" Smartphones have made things worse. You feel the urge to grab your phone to check social networks, texts, phone calls, or even play a game while you're in public with friends. Lifehacker user "Ranae780" is particularly peeved with her boyfriend:

For me, it's being on the phone while you're out to dinner or something with a partner or friend. My boyfriend is the worst for this, and it's seriously annoying. Not to mention embarrassing. "Yes, people looking on, he would rather spend his time looking at [things] on his phone or talking to someone then talking to me while we sit here having a drink and some dinner."

Solution 1: The crossword rule
In Real Simple's Tech Etiquette Manual, author Will Schwalbe suggests that if you wouldn't work on a crossword puzzle in a situation, then it's probably not a good time to dawdle away on your smartphone. You can break the rule for minor things like a call or text, but as a guide to knowing when it's okay to sit around and play a game or check Facebook, the crossword rule is a handy reminder. Essentially, if someone is in front of you and wants your attention, it's probably not the best time to tap away on your phone.


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Ken Kaminesky /

Solution 2: Wean yourself away
Sometimes, your smartphone addiction is just that: An addiction. You should treat it like any other addiction and wean yourself off of it. We've talked about doing this by outlining your own rules of use (no phone usage at social events, no answering calls on a date, or no smartphone usage during short-term interactions), and disabling alerts.

If you're struggling to unhinge your smartphone addiction, you can also forceably block social networks during certain times of the day so you can reclaim your attention span and enjoy the moment.

Problem: The poorly timed smartphone photographer
Most people aren't annoyed if you snap a picture or two your their cell phone. That changes when you ignore what's going on in front of you to edit, annotate, crop, filter, and post that picture to a social network. Sure, sometimes a picture needs to go up in the heat of the moment, but most times it's okay to wait a few minutes until you're alone. Latergram, anyone? Cristabel LeBlanc doesn't like the amount of time people waste on it:

People take pictures with their phones while hanging out with others, no problem. When they then choose to take another 15 minutes to edit, re-edit, post to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, etc.

Solution: Take the picture now; edit and upload later
This solution is pretty simple. If you're in a situation where you're interacting with people, say, at dinner, or a concert, feel free to take as many photos as you want. But when you're done, hold off on the editing, cropping, and sharing until after the event.

Problem: The world is your phone booth
We've all been in this circumstance: you get a call when you're in the middle of hanging out with someone, and you need to make the choice as to whether to answer or let it go to voicemail.

The issue only gets worse when that annoying someone goes on to talk loudly it public spaces, hold business conversations in the bathroom, or talk about his breakup on the bus. Josh Smith's issue is the weirdness of one-sided conversation:

I most dislike the uncomfortably high volume at which people talk on their phones in public. There is something physiologically annoying about being able to hear one side of a conversation and the loud cell phone talker exacerbate this by including everyone around them in that one half of a conversation.

Solution: Step away from groups of people or respond later
Just because you don't care if your conversation remains private doesn't mean everyone wants to hear it. The basic rule of thumb here is pretty simple: if you're going to talk on the phone in a public spot, step away from other people. Always. When you take that call, make sure you excuse yourself politely.

If you're stuck in a small public space, like a bus, try and keep the conversation as short as possible, and speak at a normal volume. The same goes for any other small room you might find yourself in.

And don't talk on the phone in a public restroom. No excuses ? just don't do it.

Problem: Texting vs. phone call
This is an interesting two sided annoyance. On one end, the phone-haters among you are annoyed when someone calls you when a text message would suffice. Others are just as annoyed when a text message back-and-forth goes on too long and a call would have solved a problem in 30 seconds. Lifehacker user "Cait98" prefers the phone call:

Texting can be great for making plans or for checking in when running late, but when it's like 50 [messages] back and forth of "I don't know, where do you want to go?" Just call so we can figure this out.

"Halba Sus," another Lifehacker user, disagrees:

I am annoyed by people who use their phones to call me. Of course, I understand that sometimes you may HAVE to initiate a phone call, or you WANT to speak with a certain person. But when it's all about delivering a short message, or asking a short question, you have access to e-mail, Gtalk, Facebook chat, Yahoo Messenger, SMS, etc. You can reach mostly everybody on any of those.

Solution: The response time test
In most cases, choosing between a call and a text depends a lot on your history with a person. For many, the two forms of communication mean different things: a call usually means you're looking for an immediate response. A text message is often seen as more passive, and it's acceptable if it gets ignored for a while. This isn't a hard and fast rule by any means, and your previous interactions with people should help define how they prefer contact.

So, ask yourself, how quickly do I want a response? If you're making plans for dinner right this second, you need a response to a question, or anything else right now, a phone call is the preferred way to go. If time isn't a big deal, and the response is likely just a couple sentences, a text message is fine. Photo by Joi Ito.

What you said: More of your biggest annoyances
As many of you noted, a number of the biggest cell phone annoyances don't have a solutions. With that in mind, we'll turn the mic over to you so you can at least know when you're probably annoying people with your cell phone usage.

The checkout chatterbox
Nobody likes the person using their cell phone in the checkout lane (or worse, when they're the person operating the checkout lane). Being on the receiving end of these moments, Lifehacker user "PamalaW80" is justifiably annoyed and points out how talking on your phone in line inconveniences pretty much everyone:

As a Subway employee it has to be the person who doesn't get off the phone while in line. It's my job to ask you anywhere from seven to ten questions to get you through the line. If you're paying attention and not on your phone you should get through line within two minutes (after you reach the counter) no matter how busy we are.

The loud typer
Lifehacker user "HateCellPhones" echoes a common annoyance from the thread: people who keep the sound on their touchscreen keyboards:

People who text and have their sound on. Beep beep beep beep click click click. Turn your sound off!! Plus it will increase your battery life.

The movie theater ringtone
You know that person who doesn't silence their phone in the movie theater and ruins the movie for everyone? One reader sums up the problem well:

You would think by now we would have come up with some kind of etiquette system. Why must I keep getting interrupted in the theater by some person who has to be that [jerk]. I can't remember the last time I went to the movies and not have a phone interrupt it.

Pm Images / Getty Images

The walkie-textie
When you're texting and walking, you're not paying attention to your surroundings, and subsequently you're more likely to run into someone (or something). Lifehacker user "Jonnowitts" explains:

I find it so irritating when someone is coming towards you, head down, middle of the pavement, texting away with complete disregard for everyone else, and making everyone move out of the way for them. Don't complain when someone (and it will happen eventually) walks into you and your phone smashes on the concrete.

All of these annoyances boil down to one simple thing: people are annoyed when others draw attention to the fact they're on a cell phone. It's as simple as that. If you don't want to annoy those around you, make a mental note of the above annoyances, and try being polite whenever you can.

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TODAY's Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb discuss a new survey that found 40 percent of people check their phones while using the bathroom and one in five people check them immediately after sex.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

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The ASEA brand is more than our logo; it?s more than an ad. It?s all of us together, sending a consistent message to our public. We are, after all, what we represent ourselves to be, and the stronger our message, the stronger our brand. One way to protect the brand is to be sure all claims are aligned with the ASEA message.

An approved claim avoids making any curative statements, but it can still provide power-packed facts. Here are all the claims you can make:


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Democrats seek to tie Akin to House candidates

DENVER (AP) ? Meet the newest campaign issue for House Democrats: Todd Akin.

From Colorado to New Hampshire to Illinois, Democrats already are using the incendiary comments about rape made by the Missouri congressman and Republican Senate candidate as a political bludgeon. In interviews, news releases and tweets, they've blasted Akin for saying victims of "legitimate rape" are able to naturally prevent pregnancy and tried to tie their opponents to legislation he's supported.

Those moves might only be the beginning, as Akin has so far refused to drop out of the race despite pleas from top Republicans, including GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and the widespread condemnation of his remarks.

"People are disgusted and appalled," said Joe Miklosi, a Democratic congressional candidate in suburban Denver, who began tying his opponent, GOP Rep. Mike Coffman, to Akin within hours of learning about his comments this past Sunday.

Miklosi sent a tweet that read, "Mike Coffman and Todd Akin have been fighting side by side against women in Congress," and posted a video online included footage of Akin praising Coffman on the House floor.

Coffman responded by calling for Akin to leave the race and decrying his rape comments as "wrong, inappropriate and hurtful to women across the country."

It's a scene repeated in House races nationwide, as Akin's comments on rape are playing a role in more than dozen House races in battleground states ? particularly those in which the incumbents joined Akin last year in co-sponsoring a resolution that would have redefined rape as "forcible rape."

Most Democrats and women's groups objected to such language, because it suggested there are different severities of rape.

In New Hampshire, Annie Kuster rapped one of the Democrats' top targets, GOP Rep. Charlie Bass, saying she was "disappointed" Bass hadn't yet called for Akin to leave the Senate race. Bass quickly did so. In Illinois, another Democratic challenger, Cheri Bustos, called on her opponent, GOP Rep. Bobby Schilling, to return a $2,000 donation from Akin. Schilling did so and issued a statement expressing his disgust with Akin's remarks.

"As a father, a husband and a close friend to people who have been scarred by the evils of rape, I could never stand with someone who said something so contrary to our basic human values," he said.

In Wisconsin, Democrat Pat Kreitlow had made an issue of GOP Rep. Sean Duffy's support for legislation defining "forcible rape" even before Akin's comments. That criticism now has new life, Kreitlow said.

"People are simply amazed there are elected officials who would take these positions, to redefine rape," he said. "We were hearing about it in Wisconsin before Akin said this, and of course we're hearing a lot more about it now."

Duffy, meanwhile, followed the path of other Republicans in calling for Akin to drop his Missouri Senate bid and repudiating his comments.

In trying to link Akin to their opponents, Democrats are following a time-honored campaign tradition. When a controversial statement or issue percolates in one race, the party sensing an opportunity will invariably try and make it an issue in as many races as possible, said Jack Pitney, a political science professor at Claremont McKenna College.

"This is politics 101," Pitney said. "You try to tie your opponent to an unpopular one on the other side and let them figure it out."

Pitney questioned for how long Democrats will be successful in making Akin's comments an issue, but Democrats have some reason to believe that it's an election winner to highlight Republicans who oppose abortion even in cases of rape and incest.

In the swing state of Colorado, voters have twice overwhelmingly defeated ballot measures that would have outlawed abortion in all cases, and Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet won a tight Senate contest in 2010 in part by highlighting Republican Ken Buck's views on abortion.

This year, Democratic Rep. Ed Perlmutter, who represents a suburban Denver district, is fending off a challenge from wealthy Republican beer magnate Joe Coors. After Akin's rape remark, Perlmutter reminded voters that Coors once financially supported a "personhood" measure in Colorado and tied Coors to Akin.

"Why won't Joe Coors condemn the recent 'legitimate rape' remarks of Rep. Akins that even Mitt Romney criticized?" Perlmutter said in a news release. Coors has yet to respond.

Said Coors spokeswoman Michelle Yi, "Joe completely disagrees with Rep. Akin's comments."


Jackson reported from Washington.


Follow Henry C. Jackson at and Kristen Wyatt at


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Walden Behavioral Care Launches Area's First Dedicated In-Patient ...

Waltham, MA, August 23, 2012 ?( Walden Behavioral Care, LLC today introduced the first in-patient care program in New England exclusively for adults needing treatment for depression, bipolar disorder and other mood disorders.

?Mood disorders affect more than 20 percent of Americans,? according to David H. Brendel, M.D., Ph.D., medical director of the new program. ?They are the top cause of disabilities worldwide, and a leading cause of workplace absenteeism and diminished economic productivity.?

While Walden has treated mood disorders since it opened in 2003, the new, enhanced program will be the signature program of Walden?s psychiatric unit. The program serves females and males who are 18 years of age and older.

?We?ve found that a majority of our patients have mood disorders,? according to President and CEO Stuart Koman, Ph.D. ?This new program will ensure that we are providing the population we serve with the best care possible.?

Many of Walden?s patients have multiple psychiatric disorders, eating disorders or both. Dr. Brendel said Walden?s mood disorders program will further enhance its leadership in treating patients with multiple disorders.

Program enhancements include the appointment of a dedicated treatment team with an in-depth concentration in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a form of therapy that seeks to change behavior by challenging patients? self-defeating beliefs, and changing the way they think and act.

Another program enhancement is that all patients admitted with possible mood disorders will receive a clinical interview, as well as standardized assessments. The assessment data will be used to provide patients with an in-depth understanding of their disorder and, with patients? permission, as a basis for future research. The program will use a variety of structured assessments, including the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Montgomery??sberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) and the Clinical Global Impression scale (CGI).

The in-depth assessments will enable Walden to provide patients and their families with specific measures of the severity of each patient?s mood disorder, which will be used as a benchmark to mark progress toward recovery and for quality improvement.

?Mood disorders require powerful initial treatment, and effective, coordinated aftercare; there are often relapses when these conditions are not met,? according to Dr. Brendel. ?Having in-depth data provided by these assessments will help us track trends and better determine the best possible treatment for each patient. Families will also be better able to gauge how their loved ones are progressing.?

Other core services of the new program will include, medical and psychopharmacologic management, nutrition and wellness education, evidence-based group treatment for patients and families and aftercare planning.

About Walden Behavioral Care
Walden Behavioral Care, LLC of Waltham, Mass., treats psychiatric disorders and eating disorders. It is the only facility in New England that provides dedicated in-patient care for mood disorders, and acute in-patient, residential, partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient care for patients with eating disorders. By treating mental and physical conditions concurrently, Walden helps achieve lasting results for those who seek a meaningful recovery. Walden has satellite clinics in Braintree, Northampton and Worcester, Mass., for treating eating disorders. Additional information is available on Walden?s Web site at

Contact Information:
Walden Behavioral Care
Maggie Moran
Contact via Email

Click here to read the full story: Walden Behavioral Care Launches Area?s First Dedicated In-Patient Program for Mood Disorders

Press Release Distributed by


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Tamers & Myths

Tamers & Myths

Earth, where we all live. A close minded world, where dragons, gods, and other mythical creatures are simply that. A myth. But, these ?Myths? had to be derived from something.


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May I reserve the FC with David Henrie please Ill have him up either tonight or tomorrow

Also You put a person for both a good and bad tamer not sure if it was intentional or not just saying

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@ceh12 you got it
and no it wasn't lol!

I changed it!

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PayPal to offer in-store payments thru Discover

(AP) ? PayPal is expanding its brick-and-mortar payment services to more than 7 million stores across the U.S. in a partnership with Discover Financial Services.

EBay Inc.'s payments unit said Wednesday that retailers that take Discover cards will be able to process PayPal payments beginning next year. People will be able to pay using PayPal cards and later, mobile devices.

The move marks the latest step in PayPal's push into physical retailers as it expands from offering online payments.

PayPal, which eBay bought a decade ago, has more than 50 million active users in the U.S. and is the e-commerce company's fastest-growing business.

Earlier this year it unveiled a mobile payments service, PayPal Here, that lets businesses process credit card payments with smartphones. It rivals mobile payment services such as Square, which recently signed a deal to process payments at Starbucks locations.

PayPal is also accepted as a form of payment at physical Home Depot stores and other retailers as part of its offline push.

The deal with Discover lets retailers use the point-of-sale systems that they already have in their stores to accept PayPal payments.

San Jose, Calif.-based eBay climbed $1.48, or 3.2 percent, to $47.33 in midday trading. Earlier, the stock hit $48.08, its highest level since 2005.

Associated Press


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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A New Generation of Luxury Spa Holidays in Campsites in France ...

This is a new generation of high quality campsites with spa facilities and upmarket accommodation in chalets or Tree discover ! We stayed at LES ALICOURTS CAMPING & SPA RESORT BY NATURE 5* FRANCE , it was just amazing ! This is a new generation of high quality campsites with spa facilities and upmarket accommodation in chalets or Tree discover ! Welcome to one of the best family campsites France has to offer. the entire team has gone all out to make sure you have a relaxing holiday with lots of tempting treats for you to enjoy. On 60 hectares, this French campsite offers quality services and installations, spacious camping pitches(240) and fully equipped Loire Valley rentals(290). For self catering in France, camping and caravanning and chalet holidays, you couldn't do better. There's a wide range of sporting and leisure facilities and activities and special events are organised throughout the season, for both adults and children.

WE LIKED THE SPA & WELLNESS CENTER The Senso Baln?o Centre - a haven to relax and indulge yourself.. For spa breaks, spa holidays, the Resort des Alicourts has so much to offer. The large indoor lagoon is surrounded by beaches and a terrace. Large bay windows give an expansive view of the lake and stream, fed by a delightful waterfall. With its octagonal shape (the number 8 being the symbol of new beginnings), the hydrotherapy centre is dedicated to water in all its forms: jacuzzi, hydro-massage pebble corridor with peripheral water jets, anatomic benches, hydro-tubs, water cannons, water bell, water-jet cabins, large beaches, relaxation terraces and outdoor solarium? water, water, everywhere and all at 32?.

YOUR ACCOMMODATION ..IN TREE HOUSES A wide choice or rentals from chalets, cottages, Villas and amazing TREE HOUSES ! We can suggest : Tree house for two 2 / 3 people - Tree House "La Chouette" - 3.5m 12 m? + terrace 1 double bed (160x200) 1 single bed (60x160) (for a child between 2 and 6) Mosquito net, ecological toilets,and garden furniture No water, no heating, no electricity. Height : 3,50 metres. Very easy access

Tree House "Les Ins?parables" - 7.5m 12 m? + terrace 1 double bed (160x200) Mosquito net, ecological toilets,and garden furniture No water, no heating, no electricity. Height : 7,50 metres. You'd better choose another tree house if you are scared of heights. Treehouse ? Le Coucou ? - 4,5 m 12 m? + terrace 1 double bed (160x200) Mosquito net, ecological toilets,and garden furniture No water, no heating, no electricity. Height : 4,50 metres. You have to be very agile to access the treehouse.

What can we do today, Mum ? For the children it is not so easy : wave pool or canoe on the lake ? Mini-Karting or Mini-Golf? They are at the Club with the entertainers getting ready for the show tonight and trying on their pirate costumes. For sure they will be having fun today. As for me, I am spending some time with my own captain on the sandy beach, prior to enjoying bubbles in the jacuzzi?

discover our new Luxury campsites and spa in France,


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Monday, August 20, 2012

7 Tips to Improve your Home's Curbside Appeal | Olger Fallas Painting

The level of sophistication in the marketing of real estate today is truly impressive. Significant investments are made to ?stage? houses on the market and one of the most important steps is to make sure your house has killer curb appeal.

And, if you aren?t getting ready to sell your home, improved curbside appeal can pay off even bigger for you. ?Why?? you ask. Because you?ll be able to personally enjoy it every day and it will probably inspire your neighbors to do the same. Before you know it, the whole neighbor will be looking better! Here are seven tips to get you started:

1. Hardware is Easy
Stand in front of your property and make a list of all the hardware. Obviously you have a doorknob and lock. You probably also have a porch light and mailbox. You might also feature house numbers somewhere on your home. Are these items a hodgepodge of different styles and finishes? Use this opportunity to make them all harmonize with one another. And, if you didn?t have house numbers on your building, these can be added as a design element.

2. Shutter Up
Add shutters around your windows. These come in a variety of materials and styles, including wood, metal and vinyl along with board, batten, raised panel and louver designs. Sometimes the shutters on smaller windows get skipped when homes are built; now?s your time to set that right. Adding shutters also gives you an easy opportunity to inject an accent of color into the street side view of your home.

3. Go Horticultural
How much time do you have and how much work do you want to do? Certainly trim bushes and mow the lawn, and if you have the time, pull out plants that haven?t worked out the way you had hoped and bring in ones more suited for the location. If you want to go quick and easy, think containers. Everything from hanging baskets to window boxes to containers flanking your steps are easy to work with. Plus, you?ll have instant color.

4. Get Down with Downspouts
There have been significant improvements in gutters and downspouts over the years. If yours are from a previous era and starting to look their age, replace them. There are snap-fit vinyl systems today that never require painting. Yea! And if you want to shoot for the moon, copper makes a real statement. However, with copper thieves on the prowl, they could disappear one evening?

5. How Would You Define Spaces?
Use edging and pavers to define spaces in your front yard. If your planter beds are only ?cut in? from your lawn, find a decorative border that you like. It will also make maintaining your beds easier. How about using pavers to create a walkway to your front steps? If you have any problem areas in your lawn, you might be able to wend your pathway through that area, solving two problems at once. If you have a walkway that?s looking a little tired, spruce it up.

Front Door6. Lose the Door That?s a Bore
If your front door is rather blah, replace it. Take a trip to your local home improvement center and browse through all their front doors. If your entrance way is a little dark, a door with lites will immediately shed some light on the problem. If you want to go quick, easy and low cost, a coat of paint will work wonders and you can also improve on the trim around your front door.

7. Add Some Bling
At the very least chuck that ancient ?welcome? mat. Is it really even welcoming anymore? Find something new that you?ll be proud to display at the front of your house. Attach a hook to your front door so you can easily display wreaths and other decorative items throughout the year. Do you like garden flags? And how about some sculptural elements for your garden beds and maybe even a water feature?

You can dive into this list of seven tips to improve your curbside appeal as shallow or deep as you want. Some projects can be knocked off in an hour or two while others will take a bigger commitment in both time and money. But they?ll all yield great results.

Chris Turberville-Tully is a marketing strategist for Purely Shutters, a UK company providing shutters in various styles and sizes to help your home stay cooler & look classier. Find shutters perfect for your home here:


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Investing in Your Business and Career: Coming to Terms with Your ...

In my blog last week, Get Savvy: 10 Tips to Help You be Successful in Business, I talked about the things that I feel have helped me make my business successful. I asked for feedback and a few people responded that they thought that #3, ?Investing in Your Business?, was critical for their success.?

I thought it would be helpful to explore this and tell you more about my story.

Once I accepted the fact that I didn?t have all the answers and that I needed to find the right people to help me move my business forward, I still hesitated. I didn?t want to spend the money. I was frightened and I thought that I needed to make the money first before I spent it.

If you agree with this, I can tell you honestly that this ends up being a merry go round that will not move you forward. There comes a time when you need to make the decision to have a real business not just a hobby. Real business owners invest and re-invest in their business. There comes a time when you realize that if you want the career you know you deserve, you need to invest in yourself to help you move forward.

Taking the risk and using credit to pay for the services I needed was really scary to me. I was brought up to pay off credit cards and not carry balances; not to extend myself beyond what I could comfortably cover each month. So I was stuck. I knew that I needed some guidance but I wouldn?t take the risk or invest in myself to get that help.

But there was much more going on.

  • I had to address my issues about money. What did I learn from my parents about money that might be holding me back? Do you know what your money issues are?
  • I had to face my own insecurities about the ability to make the money in the future to pay my bills. If you are unwilling to invest in your career and business, what does that say about your faith in your ability to be successful?
  • I had to come to terms with my own relationship to success. Was I more comfortable playing small? What is your comfort zone?

I can tell you now that I have faced these issues head on and continue to work on them. I have invested big time in my business and it has made a huge difference. For one thing, I have learned valuable information that I would not have otherwise had at my disposal. I?ve also found that it?s much easier to ask my potential clients to invest my services because I?ve done it myself and have reaped the benefits.

If you really want a successful business and career, then step up and do what you need to do to get there. Step up and face your issues, invest in yourself and recognize that it could be you, and no one else that is holding you back from what you want.



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iOS 6 preview: Siri for iPad

iOS 6 preview: Siri for iPad

Siri with iOS 5 was a decidedly iPhone 4S-only affair, with Apple choosing not to make anything more than Dictation available, even on their 2012 new iPad. That might have been due to the challenges involved in scaling Siri up from the full, albeit small iPhone interface, to the bigger iPad screen. With iOS 6, however, Apple has done it, and Siri is fully launching on the new iPad.

Not only will the iPad 3 get almost all the Siri functionality already available, but also all the new sports results, movie info, restaurant reservations, and Twitter and Facebook sharing, and app launching, iOS 6 has to offer.

The only thing Siri on the iPad will be lacking are the phone call features of the iPhone. Because: no Phone app or voice connection. However, FaceTime works and could fill in for the phone when "calling" other iOS users.

From the mockups shown on, it's easy to see how Apple has addressed the Siri interface on iPad -- pretty much how they addressed Notification Center. What we haven't yet seen is how they'll handle Siri's network connection requirements on non-cellular devices.

Right now, Siri is only on the iPhone 4S, which is expected to have cellular data available when Wi-Fi isn't -- so Siri can theoretically always connect to Apple's servers to bring back results (even if, practically speaking, it's a completely different story). While there are LTE 4G/3G enabled iPads, there are also Wi-Fi only iPads.

If you put an iPhone 4S in Airplane mode and try to use Siri, you get a network connection popup, similar to the one you get if you try to use Safari, Mail, or any other internet connected app. It's possible, perhaps even likely, a Wi-Fi iPad that's not on Wi-Fi will spit up the same error.

However, neither Safari nor Mail are attached to the Home button and marketed like a Pixar character, so the error could be more unexpected. Could Siri have a small, localized, canned response to stay in character while informing us it's off the network?

We'll find out soon enough. iOS 6 is scheduled for release this fall, perhaps as soon as September 19.

In the meantime, for more on iOS 6 and Siri, check out:


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REI Oklahoma President/CEO Tom Seth Smith announces retirement

DURANT - REI Oklahoma President and CEO Tom Seth Smith announced his retirement Friday, after leading the organization for 23 years.

REI officials say that REI been meeting the needs of Oklahoma businesses and communities for nearly three decades, providing flexible financing and economic development services to businesses, entrepreneurs and individuals. Smith?s retirement was effective Friday.

?It has been an honor to lead REI, which I believe is one of the premiere economic development drivers in our state,? Smith said, in a news release. ?I am now looking forward to spending more time with my family and pursuing other business opportunities.?

?We thank Tom for his 23 years of leadership and commitment to REI,? said Karen James, chair of the board of REI. ?We wish Tom the very best in his retirement.?


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Authorities ID Wis. boy killed in lightning strike

(AP) ? Minnesota authorities have identified a 9-year-old Wisconsin boy who was fatally injured by a lightning strike on a Lake Superior beach.

The St. Louis County Sheriff's Office says Luke Voigt, of Iron River, Wis., was flown to a Duluth hospital after the lightning strike on Saturday, but was pronounced dead after efforts to revive him failed.

The sheriff's office also says his 7-year-old brother, Daniel Voigt, was on shore during the lightning strike and was not injured.

The boys were among eight family members and friends who were on a sailboat that took refuge from a rapidly approaching thunderstorm on the end of Minnesota Point, near the Superior Entry to the Duluth-Superior harbor.

Four others in the group were taken to Duluth hospitals with what authorities described as severe but not life-threatening injuries.

Associated Press


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GBTA Europe Conference focuses on Globalisation and Customised ...

The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) announced the closing keynote speaker for the GBTA Europe Conference 2012 being held in Budapest on September 19th ? 21st 2012.

The conference will focus on aspects of globalisation and customised service delivery as well as an insight into industry affairs and their impact on professional travel management.

Michael Gates, Vice Chairman of Richard Lewis Communications, and associate fellow of Said Business School, the University of Oxford, will talk to the conference audience about cultural variance and how to work when cultures collide. Mr. Gates was a Scholar of St. Catherine?s College Oxford, where he gained an MA in English Language and Literature. He worked for five years in radio before moving to Finland where he helped establish the Finnish office of Richard Lewis Communications, which provides cross-cultural, communication skills and business language training world-wide.

His clients have included Nokia, Microsoft, the World Bank, Duke Fuqua Business School, Rolls-Royce, the University of Oxford, and the Central Eurasian Leadership Academy. He is a board member of the Finnish-British Trade Association, and Director of Operations of The English-Speaking Union of Finland.

He has published numerous articles and chapters in books on cross-cultural topics, including in The Telegraph, La Tribune, People Management, and Management Next, the leading Indian magazine for senior executives.

Talking about the decision to appoint a cultural speaker as the keynote, Paul Tilstone, Managing Director of GBTA Europe said ?When looking at the conference theme of customisation and personalisation it is clear that the impact of cultural variance is key in an increasingly global world. Michael and his organisation will take us through an insightful and entertaining perspective on how to navigate the difficult world of cultural variance and we felt this was a memorable and valuable way for us to end our conference.?

Other confirmed speakers at the conference include Jan Sturesson - Partner and Global Industry Leader for PricewaterhouseCoopers, Aleksander Popovich - SVP Industry Distribution and Financial Services at IATA, Joe Bates - Senior Director of Research at GBTA Foundation, Gillian Gibson - Chief Marketing Officer at Travelport, Caroline Strachan - Global Commercial Leader for AstraZeneca Travel Service, Priska Schmidli - Executive Director of Global Travel Sourcing for UBS and Didier Scaillet - Chief Development Officer at Meetings Professional International (MPI).

Full details of the conference programme with the theme of ?Customisation and Personalisation? can be found at


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