Monday, January 23, 2012

Apple's Sweatshop Problem: 16 Hour Days, ~70 ... - Yahoo! Finance

We love our iPhones and iPads.

We love the prices of our iPhones and iPads.

We love the super-high profit margins of Apple, Inc., the maker of our iPhones and iPads.

And that's why it's disconcerting to remember that the low prices of our iPhones and iPads ? and the super-high profit margins of Apple ? are only possible because our iPhones and iPads are made with labor practices that would be illegal in the United States.

And it's also disconcerting to realize that the folks who make our iPhones and iPads not only don't have iPhones and iPads (because they can't afford them), but, in some cases, have never even seen them.

This is a complex issue. But it's also an important one. And it's only going to get more important as the world's economies continue to become more intertwined.

(And the issue obviously concerns a lot more companies than Apple. Almost all of the major electronics manufacturers make their stuff in China and other countries that have labor practices that would be illegal here. One difference with Apple, though, is the magnitude of the company's profit margin and profits. Apple could afford to pay its manufacturers more or hold them to higher standards and still be extremely competitive and profitable.)

Last week, PRI's "This American Life" did a special on Apple's manufacturing. The show featured (among others) the reporting of Mike Daisey, the man who does the one-man stage show "The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs," and The NYT's Nicholas Kristof, whose wife's family is from China.

You can read a transcript of the whole show here. Here are some details:

  • The Chinese city of Shenzhen is where most of our "crap" is made. 30 years ago, Shenzhen was a little village on a river. Now it's a city of 13 million people ? bigger than New York.
  • Foxconn, one of the companies that builds iPhones and iPads (and products for many other electronics companies), has a factory in Shenzhen that employs 430,000 people.
  • There are 20 cafeterias at the Foxconn Shenzhen plant. They each serve 10,000 people.
  • One Foxconn worker Mike Daisey interviewed, outside factory gates manned by guards with guns, was a 13-year old girl. She polished the glass of thousands of new iPhones a day.
  • The 13-year old said Foxconn doesn't really check ages. There are on-site inspections, from time to time, but Foxconn always knows when they're happening. And before the inspectors arrive, Foxconn just replaces the young-looking workers with older ones.
  • In the first two hours outside the factory gates, Daisey meets workers who say they are 14, 13, and 12 years old (along with plenty of older ones). Daisey estimates that about 5% of the workers he talked to were underage.
  • Daisey assumes that Apple, obsessed as it is with details, must know this. Or, if they don't, it's because they don't want to know.
  • Daisey visits other Shenzhen factories, posing as a potential customer. He discovers that most of the factory floors are vast rooms filled with 20,000-30,000 workers apiece. The rooms are quiet: There's no machinery, and there's no talking allowed. When labor costs so little, there's no reason to build anything other than by hand.
  • A Chinese working "hour" is 60 minutes ? unlike an American "hour," which generally includes breaks for Facebook, the bathroom, a phone call, and some conversation. The official work day in China is 8 hours long, but the standard shift is 12 hours. Generally, these shifts extend to 14-16 hours, especially when there's a hot new gadget to build. While Daisey is in Shenzhen, a Foxconn worker dies after working a 34-hour shift.
  • Assembly lines can only move as fast as their slowest worker, so all the workers are watched (with cameras). Most people stand.
  • The workers stay in dormitories. In a 12-by-12 cement cube of a room, Daisey counts 15 beds, stacked like drawers up to the ceiling. Normal-sized Americans would not fit in them.
  • Unions are illegal in China. Anyone found trying to unionize is sent to prison.
  • Daisey interviews dozens of (former) workers who are secretly supporting a union. One group talked about using "hexane," an iPhone screen cleaner. Hexane evaporates faster than other screen cleaners, which allows the production line to go faster. Hexane is also a neuro-toxin. The hands of the workers who tell him about it shake uncontrollably.
  • Some workers can no longer work because their hands have been destroyed by doing the same thing hundreds of thousands of times over many years (mega-carpal-tunnel). This could have been avoided if the workers had merely shifted jobs. Once the workers' hands no longer work, obviously, they're canned.
  • One former worker had asked her company to pay her overtime, and when her company refused, she went to the labor board. The labor board put her on a black list that was circulated to every company in the area. The workers on the black list are branded "troublemakers" and companies won't hire them.
  • One man got his hand crushed in a metal press at Foxconn. Foxconn did not give him medical attention. When the man's hand healed, it no longer worked. So they fired him. (Fortunately, the man was able to get a new job, at a wood-working plant. The hours are much better there, he says ? only 70 hours a week).
  • The man, by the way, made the metal casings of iPads at Foxconn. Daisey showed him his iPad. The man had never seen one before. He held it and played with it. He said it was "magic."

Importantly, Shenzhen's factories, as hellish as they are, have been a boon to the people of China. Liberal economist Paul Krugman says so. NYT columnist Nicholas Kristof says so. Kristof's wife's ancestors are from a village near Shenzhen. So he knows of what he speaks. The "grimness" of the factories, Kristof says, is actually better than the "grimness" of the rice paddies.

So, looked at that way, Apple is helping funnel money from rich American and European consumers to poor workers in China. Without Foxconn and other assembly plants, Chinese workers might still be working in rice paddies, making $50 a month instead of $250 a month (Kristof's estimates. In 2010, Reuters says, Foxconn workers were given a raise to $298 per month, or $10 a day, or less than $1 an hour). With this money, they're doing considerably better than they once were. Especially women, who had few other alternatives.

But, of course, the reason Apple assembles iPhones and iPads in China instead of America, is that assembling them here or Europe would cost much, much more ? even with shipping and transportation. And it would cost much, much more because, in the United States and Europe, we have established minimum acceptable standards for the treatment and pay of workers like those who build the iPhones and iPads.

Foxconn, needless to say, doesn't come anywhere near meeting these minimum standards.

If Apple decided to build iPhones and iPads for Americans using American labor rules, two things would likely happen:

  • The prices of iPhones and iPads would go up
  • Apple's profit margins would go down

Neither of those things would be good for American consumers or Apple shareholders. But they might not be all that awful, either. Unlike some electronics manufacturers, Apple's profit margins are so high that they could go down a lot and still be high. And some Americans would presumably feel better about loving their iPhones and iPads if they knew that the products had been built using American labor rules.

In other words, Apple could probably afford to use American labor rules when building iPhones and iPads without destroying its business.

So it seems reasonable to ask why Apple is choosing NOT to do that.

(Not that Apple is the only company choosing to avoid American labor rules and costs, of course ? almost all manufacturing companies that want to survive, let alone thrive, have to reduce production costs and standards by making their products elsewhere.)

The bottom line is that iPhones and iPads cost what they do because they are built using labor practices that would be illegal in this country ? because people in this country consider those practices grossly unfair.

That's not a value judgment. It's a fact.

So, next time you pick up your iPhone or iPad, ask yourself how you feel about that.

Aaron Task interviewed Mike Daisey last year. WATCH:

Mike Daisey Says Technology Is a New Religion

The Darker Side of Apple: The Human Cost of Your Apple iProducts

SEE ALSO: The Shocking Conditions Inside Foxconn [PHOTOS]


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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Agents discover tunnel below Mexican prison (AP)

MEXICO CITY ? Mexican investigators have found a 40-yard (meter) tunnel that inmates chiseled underneath a prison in the northern city of Chihuahua in an apparent effort to escape.

State prosecutors' spokesman Carlos Gonzalez says the 30-inch (76-centimeter) diameter tunnel was lit and almost finished with just 16 feet (4.8 meters) left before reaching the desert outside.

Gonzalez told The Associated Press Friday that up to 250 of the 1,800 inmates housed at the medium-security penitentiary on state charges could have escaped through the underground passageway.

He says it took between two and 2 1/2 years to build the underground passage using chisels and a sledgehammer.

Agents also found an AK-47 rifle inside the tunnel.


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Tibetans parade monk's remains

BEIJING, Jan. 9 (UPI) -- Tibetans, angry at Chinese authorities over the self-immolation by one of their monks, paraded his remains on the streets in Qinghai province, witnesses said.

Earlier, the hundreds of protesting Tibetans had forced Chinese police to hand over the remains of 42-year-old Sopa, a respected monk who had killed himself Sunday in front of a police station in the western province's Darlag area, Radio Free Asia reported. Prior to dying, he had shouted slogans calling for Tibet's freedom and the long life of Tibet's spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, the network quoted witnesses as saying.

Sopa's death was the 15th Tibetan self-immolation since March of last year, Radio Free Asia said.

China has beefed up security in the Darlag area as there could be a memorial service for Sopa at his monastery.

"Only the head and chest parts [of the body] are intact, the rest were in pieces when Tibetans received the remains from the police," the report quoted a source as saying.

"These latest self-immolations confirm that what we are currently witnessing in Tibet is a sustained and profound rejection of the Chinese occupation," Free Tibet Director Stephanie Brigden said before Sunday's Darlag incident, the network said.


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Friday, January 13, 2012

Krugman: Don't Worry About Debt; It's Like a Ponzi Scheme

"Transparency With No Action Won't Help Students"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 04/01/11

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? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 03/22/11

"Freedom to Teach as the Students Require"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 03/15/11

"Observations of a Thwarted Candidate for Interim Town Treasurer"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 03/08/11

"The Growing Payment For Non-Work"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 03/01/11

"Students May Drift With Reform Pressure Off"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 02/22/11

"Acknowledging a Broad 'Democratic Process'"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 02/15/11

"Budgeting With Blinders"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 01/31/11

"Letting the Mole Hill Hide the Mountain"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 01/24/11

"Yes, I'm Suing the Town of Tiverton"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 01/17/11

"Learning From Being Passed Through"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 01/10/11

"The Way Of The Diplomat And The Way Of The Accountant"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 01/04/11

"Dear Mr. Chafee: Don?t freeze out skeptical voices"
?, 12/30/10

"Thoughts On Community And The Year-End's Lost Week"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 12/28/10

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? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 12/20/10

"Develop as Development Will"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 12/13/10

"Positions: One Per Resident"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 12/06/10

"The Coming Clash of Yellow and Red"
? Tiverton-LittleComptonPatch, 11/30/10

"Tiverton scheme plays into union's hands"
? The Sakonnet Times, 07/01/10

"A peculiar sense of 'community' from the special interests"
? The Providence Journal, 05/12/10

"Giving Pilate a title to use"
? The Rhode Island Catholic, 04/29/10

"Tiverton budget: Numbers tell sad story"
? The Sakonnet Times, 03/29/10

"The winding path to True North"
? The Rhode Island Catholic, 03/18/10

"With this school committee, union strategy pays dividends"
? The Sakonnet Times, 02/25/10

"The Church's Union Challenge"
? The Rhode Island Catholic, 02/18/10

"Weathering a storm of associations"
? The Rhode Island Catholic, 01/14/10

"Big-pay misses the point for needed reform"
? Providence Business News, 12/21/09

"A Federalist Christmas"
? The Rhode Island Catholic, 12/17/09

"Schools are slipping yet nobody cares"
? Sakonnet Times, 12/03/09

"Inaugurating a civic witness"
? The Rhode Island Catholic, 11/12/09

"Which Democrat Will Have the Last Gubernatorial Laugh?"
? Providence Monthly, November 2009

"Binding towns to the unions? game on contracts"
? Providence Business News, 10/19/09

"Marriage rules beyond the ken of kids"
? The Providence Journal, 06/08/09

"Establishment against democracy in Tiverton"
? The Providence Journal, 10/18/08

"Heroes and chumps vie in Rhode Island"
? The Providence Journal, 06/02/08

"R.I.'s economic clock runs down"
? The Providence Journal, 04/05/08

"Deficit of Comprehension in R.I. Crisis"
? The Providence Journal, 02/01/08

"The four horsemen of R.I.'s apocalypse"
? The Providence Journal, 01/08/08

"Voting by party in R.I."
? The Providence Journal, 12/21/07

"Move west, young welfare recipient"
? The Providence Journal, 10/17/07

"The hard luck of former beneficiaries"
? The Providence Journal, 09/07/07

"Legislature cracks down on carpenters"
? The Providence Journal, 08/17/07

"Lynch: Rhode Island?s Activist General?"
? The Providence Journal, 07/28/07

"The Moral compass swings to nihilistic pole"
? The Providence Journal, 07/01/07

"The Premises of the Culture of Death"
?, 10/25/05

"Speaking Past an Oppressive Template"
?, 10/11/05

"Finding Common Ground in Unexpected Places"
?, 09/27/05

"Katrina and Media's Demand for Racial Division"
?, 09/14/05

"When Plan B Becomes Plan A"
?, 08/31/05

"Life in an Unfinished World"
?, 08/17/05

"Exploding Across Arm's-Length Tolerance"
?, 08/03/05

"Breaking the Glass Taboo"
?, 07/21/05

"Reasoning with the Id"
?, 07/07/05

"Juggling Spheres in the Marriage Debate"
?, 06/23/05

"Religion's Gone Missing on 'Lost'"
?, 06/09/05

"The Value of Life in the Balance "
?, 05/26/05

"Communicating with the 'Faces of Hate'"
?, 05/12/05

"Leaving Open the Yes-or-No Question"
?, 03/11/05

"Speaking Softly"
? National Review Online, 01/19/05

"One Man's Marriage Trap"
? National Review, 12/31/04

"Faith and Works"
? National Review Online, 10/31/04

"An Invidious Prohibition"
? National Review Online, 10/04/04

"Searching for a Story"
? Tech Central Station, 1/29/04

"Who Are These People?"
? The Providence Journal, 11/15/01

Note: Daily links go to the final entry of the day.


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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Exec vs. wild at Discovery Communications? |

Discovery Communications (DSC) and its Discovery Channel has made a name for itself in part with a host of shows about rough-and-ready folks taking what comes: Storm Chasers, Man vs. Wild, Deadliest Catch, Dirty Jobs.

In the executive suite, needless to say, none of that seems to apply. Another Discovery Channel show, Gold Rush, may be more appropriate, to judge from the 8-K that Discovery filed yesterday with details of its incoming chief financial officer?s pay.

Discovery is hiring Andrew Warren away from the same post at Liz Claiborne (LIZ), where he?s been CFO since July 2007. The parting there seems amicable enough, since Warren doesn?t leave (or start at Discovery) until March. Once he starts, though, the cable network is pulling out all the stops. (Update: Warren is also getting big bucks from his former employer. See note below.)

He gets a nice salary, of course ? $900,000 a year, matching what Apple CEO Tim Cook is pulling down as head of one of the biggest companies on earth ? and a target bonus of the same amount. He?s also slated to get $1 million in stock options and another $1 million is restricted stock units. (Discovery?s 8-K doesn?t make clear how long it will take for those equity awards to vest, and it didn?t file Warren?s actual employment agreement yet, so we?ll have to wait to find out the terms.)

But Discovery is also making his relocation easy. Liz Claiborne, of course, is based in Manhattan, while Discovery is based 223 miles away in Silver Spring, Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C. The company is providing unspecified relocation benefits, but ?[i]n addition to the benefits under the relocation policy,? the company is also giving him as much as $30,000 this year and $20,000 next year ?for travel expenses? (presumably to ease the commute until he moves to the area). Given that Delta just quoted us $892 for a round-trip, first-class, refundable, week-long flight (without a Saturday stay) from LaGuardia to Reagan National, that $50,000 should be good for a flight a week if Warren is reasonably prudent. In any event, we doubt we?ll see him on BoltBus, our preferred way to travel between NYC and DC.

Moreover, his stay in Washington will be no Man vs. Wild challenge: Warren will be traveling around the D.C. area in style, in a company-paid car ? with a maximum of $1,500 a month ? and ?a suitable corporate apartment in the Washington, D.C. area? until as late as August 31, 2013. Just to put that in perspective, Yahoo?s monthly car-lease calculator suggests he could get a three-year lease on a BMW 650i convertible for a mere $1,300 or so a month. And five grand will get him the 2,420-square-foot, three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath Penthouse 13 at the The Grand in nearby Bethesda, including Jacuzzi and granite counter-tops, plus a ?grand piano room? and concierge among the building?s amenities.

Assuming Warren does move to D.C., his three-year employment agreement makes it tough for him not?to make a bundle over the next few years. If he gets canned for anything but some pretty serious infractions, or if he leaves for the usual sorts of ?good reasons? (like being demoted), Discovery is obliged to pay him his salary for the rest of the contract?s term ? as much as three years, and at least one year.

But if Discovery doesn?t actually fire him, and just decides not to renew his contract, he gets the same benefits as if he had been fired. And if it does?want to renew his contract, but Warren isn?t interested, Discovery has to pay him as well ? half his base salary for 12 months (or $450,000 assuming he gets no raises in the meantime).

As far as we can tell, there are only a couple real catches. For one thing, Discovery seems to want to make sure that Warren actually moves down to the D.C. area. It has decreed that he won?t get a bonus in 2013 if he doesn?t. Meantime, if Warren is canned, leaves for good reason, or his contract isn?t renewed, Discovery can offset what it has to pay him with any income he gets from consulting or working elsewhere. All this, of course, is in the name of securing non-compete and similar commitments from Warren.

All told, it?s a pretty sweet deal for a position that isn?t even the top job at the company.

Update: If nothing else, it looks like Discovery is getting a savvy negotiator ? Warren isn?t just getting big bucks and perks to join Discovery, he?s also getting big bucks on his way out Liz Claiborne?s door. (Of course, it might be that LIZ is forcing him out, but we?ll assume the best.)

According to an addendum to the earnings 8-K that Liz Claiborne filed just this morning, the company is accelerating the vesting on 492,500 stock options, 192,600 restricted stock units and 9,550 restricted shares, as long as Warren sticks around until March 16. Given LIZ?s stock price of a little over $8.50, we figure the options are worth some $1.6 million, and the restricted shares and RSUs another $1.7 million.

An especially nice touch: The 192,600 RSUs ($1.6 million worth at today?s price) were apparently granted as a ?special retention award? on June 13 last year ? which worked for all of, what, nine months?

Image source: photo of the Discovery Building during Shark Week via Wikipedia


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Guyana report says crashed jet overshot runway (AP)

GEORGETOWN, Guyana ? A preliminary report by Guyana's government says a Caribbean Airlines jet that crashed in July touched down too late and ran off the runway while landing at the South American country's international airport.

The Boeing 737-800 carrying 163 people split in half just short of a ravine after landing on July 30, 2011. Everyone on board survived.

Transport Minister Robeson Benn said Wednesday that the initial investigation found the main factor in the crash was that the plane "made a long landing and touched down with insufficient runway remaining to come to a safe stop."

Benn says it could take another year for the final report to be issued.

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board helped Guyana in the investigation.


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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Watchdog sues FAA for details on drone flights

Eric Gay / AP

A Predator drone is seen Nov. 8 at the Naval Air Station in Corpus Christi, Texas.

By James Eng,

A digital rights watchdog group is going to court to demand that the FAA release details on drone spy flights within the United States.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation on Tuesday filed a lawsuit in federal court in the Northern District of California against the U.S. Department of Transportation, the umbrella agency for the Federal Aviation Administration.

"Drones give the government and other unmanned aircraft operators a powerful new surveillance tool to gather extensive and intrusive data on Americans' movements and activities," EFF staff attorney Jennifer Lynch said in a statement. "As the government begins to make policy decisions about the use of these aircraft, the public needs to know more about how and why these drones are being used to surveil United States citizens."

A message left Tuesday night?by with the FAA?s media office in Washington?for comment was not immediately returned.

Drones are pilotless aircraft whose flight is controlled from the ground. They typically are equipped with spying equipment, such as video cameras, infrared cameras and heat sensors.

The U.S. government has been using drones to carry out sensitive spying and attack operations abroad, such as in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

However,?U.S. Customs and Border Protection uses drones inside America to patrol the borders, and state and local law enforcement are increasingly using unmanned aircraft for investigations into things like cattle rustling, drug dealing and?searches for missing persons, according to EFF.

The group says such uses raise privacy concerns because?drones, by virtue of their design, can fly virtually undetected in urban and rural areas.

The group?s lawsuit says any drone flying over 400 feet needs a certification or authorization from the FAA, but says the federal government is withholding information from the public about who specifically has obtained these authorizations or for what purposes.

EFF said that it filed a Freedom of Information Act request in April for records of unmanned aircraft activities but that?the DOT so far has failed to provide the information.

"The use of drones in American airspace could dramatically increase the physical tracking of citizens ? tracking that can reveal deeply personal details about our private lives," said Lynch. "We're asking the DOT to follow the law and respond to our FOIA request so we can learn more about who is flying the drones and why."

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wall Street edges up as Alcoa awaited, euro zone weighs (Reuters)

NEW YORK (Reuters) ? Stocks edged higher on Monday as investors showed caution ahead of corporate earnings and key auctions for European debt this week.

Alcoa Inc (AA.N), the largest U.S. aluminum producer, will unofficially kick off the earnings season after the closing bell. Alcoa rose 3 percent to $9.43.

Google Inc (GOOG.O) was off 3.7 percent at $626.19 as the biggest drag on both the benchmark S&P 500 index and Nasdaq 100 after Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc's (MMI.N) warning of weaker-than-expected financial results raised concerns about Google's pending acquisition of the smartphone maker.

Debt sales by Spain and Italy later in the week should provide insight about confidence in proposed solutions to the euro zone financial crisis.

"That is what the market wants to get a look at - what is it that these multinationals are seeing in the global environment that gives them pause, or is the tone going to be a little better than expected," said Peter Kenny, managing director at Knight Capital in Jersey City, New Jersey.

"There is this sense that we really need to see something that is going to convince us that this EU challenge ... is a headwind that can be managed."

After meeting in Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy warned Greece it will get no more bailout funds until it agrees with creditor banks on a bond swap and pressed for an early deal to avert a potential default.

Investors have grown more skeptical about whether European politicians can craft a plan which moves the region closer to solving its debt crisis. This week's bond auctions by Italy and Spain will gauge the willingness of investors to pump more money into the region's troubled sovereigns.

The Dow Jones industrial average (.DJI) gained 25.96 points, or 0.21 percent, to 12,385.88. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index (.SPX) added 2.54 points, or 0.20 percent, to 1,280.35. The Nasdaq Composite Index (.IXIC) rose 5.01 points, or 0.19 percent, to 2,679.23.

Traders also eyed monetary policy announcements from the European Central Bank and the Bank of England, which will come on Thursday. Investors are keen to hear ECB President Mario Draghi's latest comments on ways to ease the debt crisis.

Fourth-quarter earnings for S&P 500 companies were expected to rise 7.8 percent from a year ago, according to a Thomson Reuters forecast, down from 17.6 percent, predicted in July.

The lower revisions were due in part to expected fallout from the euro zone debt crisis and the region's sluggish economic growth.

The S&P 500 faces strong technical resistance as it has been unable to pierce through 1,285, the closing high set in late October.

Apple Inc (AAPL.O) gained 0.4 percent to $423.99 after Goldman Sachs raised its price target, saying the technology giant is set to report a healthy December quarter.

(Reporting By Chuck Mikolajczak; Editing by Kenneth Barry)


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Lady Gaga turns angry android for L'Uomo Vogue


Chameleon pop star Lady Gaga, gets a futuristic makeover for the January issue of men's fashion magazine, L'Uomo Vogue.

BY Belinda White | 09 January 2012

Ever the queen of re-invention, Lady Gaga is starting to make our heads spin with her voracious appetite for extreme makeovers.

In the past few months alone we've had Donatella Versace Gaga, My Fair Lady Gaga, Brutal Bondage Gaga, Fairy On Top Of The Christmas Tree Gaga, Headless Gaga, Brothel Madam Gaga, and Gaga as her male alter-ego Joe Calderone (you can see all these looks here).

Her latest incarnation however sees the pop diva imagined as a sort of post-apocalyptic cyborg, courtesy of Italian men's fashion magazine, L'Uomo Vogue.

In pictures: A year in Lady Gaga's wardrobe

Photographed by Inez Van Lansweerde & Vinoodh Matadin, the cover and story inside the January issue sees Gaga stripped of her elaborate hair-pieces, heavily bronzed, freckle-faced and decorated with a number of elaborate robotic appendages about her face and body.

PHOTO: Inez Van Lansweerde & Vinoodh Matadin for L'Uomo Vogue

While the images can't exactly be described as Gaga 'au naturel', at the same time it's nice to get a really good look at what lies beneath all the fancy dress and draggy make-up. And we like what we see!

To see all the pictures from the shoot, click here

PHOTO: Inez Van Lansweerde & Vinoodh Matadin for L'Uomo Vogue


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Monday, January 9, 2012

Washington Humane Society Announces 11th Annual Sugar & Champagne Affair


From?Jacquie Toppings:

The 11th?Annual Sugar & Champagne Affair benefiting the Washington Humane Society (WHS) will be held February 1, 2012 at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. The Washington Humane Society will honor its Law Enforcement Officers, Animal Control Officers, Humane Educators and a select few community Humane Heroes at this annual dessert and champagne reception. For the 11thyear, hosts Chef Todd and Ellen Gray of Equinox & Watershed Restaurants and Muse at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, with Trade Center Management Associates, will welcome gourmands and animal lovers as well as their four-legged friends for an evening of fine wines, savory treats and gourmet desserts from some of the metropolitan area?s most talented chefs and pastry chefs.

The benefit will be emceed by 94. 7 Fresh FM Radio Host Tommy McFLY. New this year, guests will have the opportunity to meet contestants from TLC's hit show?Next Great Baker, and four-legged guests will enjoy fresh fare at the 'Doggie Bar.' In addition, an assortment of free-flowing champagne and sparkling wines will be available in both the VIP and General Receptions. The VIP Chefs? Tasting Room will feature a selection of savory bites from restaurants including Equinox, Watershed, Think Food Group, Restaurant Eve, The Source, Brasserie Beck and Kushi. The VIPevent will also offer an exclusive, ultra-premium Scotch Whiskey?tasting?presented by?DIAGEO, the world's leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of alcoholic beverage brands across spirits, beer and wine.


Tickets to the general reception are $90. VIP tickets to the Chefs? Tasting Room are $150; these include a special 90-minute savory reception prior to the unveiling of the desserts. All proceeds from the Sugar & Champagne Affair benefit the animals and the critical programs and services of the Washington Humane Society. For more information, visit?


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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Kevin Cathcart: When Ordinary People Say 'No' to Injustice (Huffington post)

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Former NLRB Chairman: President Obama Used Recess Appointments to do a Favor for Big Labor

The recess appointments of the NLRB members and Richard Cordray may be done but that doesn?t mean the controversy has died down. Since the appointments, many of my contacts have expressed their frustration over the Obama Administration?s actions.

Did the President flush the Constitution down the toilet with his nominations? That?s what some of my CEO friends are saying. Former National Labor Relations Board Chairman Peter Schaumber offered his insight into the controversy in an email exchange. Schaumber served for nearly eight years on the NLRB and is currently a labor consultant in DC. Before his appointment to the board Schaumber practiced as a labor arbitrator.

LL: The President made the announcement on Wednesday the recess appointment of NLRB. This move sidestepped the Senate approvals but there are legal authorities saying the GOP in the Senate used Pro Form sessions (a brief meeting on the floor of the Senate) to avoid recess.

What do you think of the appointment?

PS: The Republicans are doing what the Democrats did during the last year of the Bush administration, an invention of Senator Harry Reid, not recessing to prevent the president from circumventing the confirmation process by naming recess appointments.

In the case of the Bush?s nominations to the NLRB, unlike President Obama?s nominations to the NLRB, they were being denied an up or down vote. However, President Bush honored the legal interpretation given the Recess Clause by the Department of Justice, that a recess must be for longer than 3 days before a president can name a recess appointee.

President Obama has not.

As I understand it, the Senate is in pro forma session but to remain in session it must gavel in and gavel out ever 4th day. That is what the Democrat?s did, a Virginia or Maryland senator was used for that purpose. The Republicans were in the process of doing the same thing but President Obama broke with DOJ?s interpretation of the Recess Clause and the custom and practice of the Senate to made these unprecedented recess appointments.

The circumstances under which these recesses were made make them, in my view, a real abuse of executive power. The two Democrat nominations were made by the President on December 16, the Senate adjourned for Christmas the next day, December 17. The Senate had no time whatsoever to consider the nominee?s, the nominees had not completed or even submitted the Senate committee?s paperwork used to vet nominees which inquiries into such things as conflicts of interest. In sum, these were not stalled nominations as were the NLRB nominations in January and February of 2007 referred to above.

LL: Did the President avoid the Constitutionally mandated Senate Confirmation process? Did he circumvent the American People?

PS: Yes, but while the advice and consent of the Senate is constitutionally mandated it can be avoided through recess appointment that properly invokes the Recess Clause. A recess until yesterday, however, to be a recess had to be for not less than 3 days and the nominee?s nomination was generally pending for some time. While I am not certain about this, I suspect the reason for this interpretation is the recognition that the underlying reason for the Recess Clause was to keep the government operating during periods of time when the Congress was not in session. Prior to the Civil War, the Congress was session only part-time.

LL: If legally challenged and the ruling in the President's favor, does this set a precedent on the constitutional duty the Congress has to examine and check on executive power? Could any future President complete cut the Senate out of the confirmation process?

PS: It appears so, a future president could ignore the Constitution?s requirement that presidential appointees be confirmed by the Senate.

LL: Did the President do this because he knew none of his appointees would have been confirmed?

PS: No. While I don?t know what was in the President?s mind, I suspect he knew Terry Flynn would be confirmed and perhaps Sharon Block depending on how she answered the Senate?s questions. The real issue would have been Griffin who comes directly from organized labor and even if he theoretically could be neutral, the appearance makes him unsuitable. George Meany, the President of the AFL-CIO for many years, to his credit was opposed to the appointment of management ?side and union-side labor lawyers arguing they could not be objective.

I believe the President was willing to abandon DOJ?s interpretation of the Recess Clause and traditions and practice of the Senate to do a favor for Big Labor. Big Labor wants to see as many changes as possible made to Board law to augment its power and stem the decline of unionization in the private sector. It may have a limited time to do that.

For sure the President?s nominees were going to be closely scrutinized. His past appointments have polarized labor relations in the US: Boeing, the rule requiring the posting by nearly all employers of a partisan notice, a quickie election rule on a 2 member vote of the NLRB (itself a break from the decades old tradition and practice of the Board requiring 3 affirmative votes for any Board action), micro-units, etc.

And nominations to the Board should be closely scrutinized.

Griffin is the second person to be nominated for a full board term to come from organized labor. Craig Becker, who was recessed after he was filibustered (I believe the vote was something like a 53 to 32 vote), was the first. One can reasonably question whether a person coming directly from organized labor can be neutral on the question of unionization. The Supreme Court has said the Act must be interpreted in that manner.

Sharon Block has the reputation for being a union advocate. The Senate would want to know: Is she able to be neutral on the question of unionization? Who did she interview while on Senator Kennedy?s staff for a Democrat slot on the NLRB? What did she ask them? What was she looking for in a board member? Also, she was a senior NLRB staff attorney for many years and played in intimate role in some major Board decisions. What were they? Was her advice to the board, which would have been in a bench memo, an objective statement of the facts and the law or was it slanted toward a particular result?

LL: The appointments for the NLRB are all pro labor: Democratic union lawyer Richard Griffin, Democratic Labor Department official Sharon Block and Republican NLRB lawyer Terence Flynn. Do you think this board is balanced and will be objective enough to referee cases between the private-sector employers and employees?

PF: No, Terry Flynn was my chief counsel for nearly 7 years. He was a former management attorney and we saw eye to eye on most issues.

While a former management attorney he is balanced. He understands the legitimate needs of unions and employers. Management attorneys on the board do not have the pressures on them that union labor lawyers do. While each may be going back to practice, there are relatively few unions (many thousands of employers), organized labor demands complete loyalty and makes it known publically that Democrat members on the Board are there to serve the interests of organized labor.

I don?t not believe this board will be balanced, but will likely be a replay of the past Obama Board. The Democrat members, which includes the current chairman Mark Pearce, will not be neutral on the question of unionization; unfortunately they will be union partisans. I view Griffin as the replacement for Craig Becker, Block for Wilma Liebman.

In this regard, Wilma Liebman disagreed with the Supreme Court and told a group of businessmen meeting in her office that it was an incorrect interpretation of the law to say that the Board had to interpret the act in such a way as to be neutral on the question of unionization.

LL: The President also used the same process for Richard Cordray as the head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Should his nomination also be called into question?

PS: Not in the same way. Cordray?s confirmation was held up only because the Senate R?s and some D?s (I suspect) wanted some changes in the law before he was named to this new consumer regulatory agency.

The law did not make the agency sufficiently accountable.

LL: Bottom line is this just a sheer power play?

PS : It is more than that. These recess appointments undermine legitimate government. We are a nation of law and order, ?an experiment in ordered liberty.? Order is made up of those customs, practices and traditions which we honor and which in turn give us nobility of purpose. Individuals, families, units of government, society as a whole has an order. Our American order grew over two centuries, we inherited it. The Senates has grown over 200 years.

Unfortunately, President Obama has abandoned that governmental order, if you will, in order to award a prime constituency whose support he needs for re-election, organized labor.

His Vice President would not have agreed. He said in 2005: ??As I said, we don?t work for the president. And no president is entitled to the appointment of anyone he nominates. No president is entitled by the mere fact he has nominated someone. That?s why they wrote the Constitution the way they did: It says ?advice and consent.?? (Senator Joe Biden, Committee On Foreign Relations, 5/12/05)

LL: Do these actions create further political uncertainty for the business community?

PS: Absolutely and they will continue to chill business investment in the United States. Why produce here what you sell here with so much uncertainty in the law, with the law being changed in ways that are hostile to legitimate employer rights and interests and with these unprecedented recess appointments being made to continue those changes.

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A Senior Talent Producer at CNBC, and author of "Thriving in the New Economy:Lessons from Today's Top Business Minds."

? 2012


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Saturday, January 7, 2012's list of Superstar and Divas' New Year's Resolutions

Most of the WWE Universe has come up with their New Year's resolutions. Maybe it's to get healthier, quit a bad habit or something much bigger. Therefore, in the spirit of starting anew, offers its suggested resolutions for certain Superstars and Divas.

David Otunga - Put down the bowtie and pick up an ascot.Michael Cole in his singlet

Michael Cole - Never wear the singlet again. Never. Ever. Please.?

Beth Phoenix -?Keep this "forever" going - at least on WWE '12.

Christian - Regain the World Heavyweight Championship you deserve ... or at least remind everyone at every opportunity just how much you deserve it.

Cody Rhodes - Bring back the mask!

Aksana -?Stop being so shy and reserved around men.

Dolph Ziggler - Add the running man, and other breaking and popping moves to your in-ring dance repertoire.

Kelly Kelly - After gracing the cover of Maxim in 2011, build on that success this year by appearing on the covers of Sports Illustrated, Time and The Economist.

Wade Barrett - May we suggest a trim of your locks to better see your future?

Alberto Del Rio - For your vehicular entrances this year, buy an old jalopy and put in some elbow grease fixing it up real nice.

Eve - We've beein impressed with the USC engineering grad. Use your jiu-jitsu training more in the ring, and get back into the Divas Championship hunt.

Hornswoggle - Use your newly-granted ability to speak by recording a hit album, mostly Doobie Brothers covers.

Jinder Mahal - Put a stop to Christmas, and every other holiday for that matter, in 2012.

Sheamus - As much as you may like the nickname "The Great White," please hit the tanning salon early and often, to get a head start for Spring Break 2012!

Santino Marella - Spend a lot of time in the gym pumping iron to somehow replicate Mason Ryan?s physique.


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Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake Engaged?

The rumors that Justin Timberlake finally popped the question to his girlfriend Jessica Biel are circulating on the Net but is there any truth to them? There sure could be. US Weekly is reporting that Jessica and Justin are in fact headed to the alter. According to the magazine several ?insiders? have confirmed that the couple is engaged. Reportedly Timberlake proposed to Biel in December in the mountains of Wyoming. Why there you ask, well a source tells the mag it is because Jessica loves to snowboard so it was the perfect place. Of course Us Weekly says they have all the deats on the engagement, including how the duo told their families but of course you have to pick up a copy of the magazine when it hits newsstands on Friday. So now we know the story that is circulating, the question is a Biel/Timberlake wedding going to happen? Honestly who knows and I certainly don?t expect to get an answer out of the couple, who for the most part are very private and protective of their relationship. Us Weekly is usually pretty right on with these kinds of stories so that is leading me to believe that this [...]


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Friday, January 6, 2012

Bachmann tells supporters she's staying in race

Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., speaks during a campaign stop at Valley High School, Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2012, in West Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., speaks during a campaign stop at Valley High School, Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2012, in West Des Moines, Iowa. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

(AP) ? Michele Bachmann told a small group of supporters Tuesday night that she's staying in the presidential race as the only true conservative who can defeat the sitting president, despite a bleak showing in the Iowa caucuses.

The Minnesota congresswoman was running in last place among six candidates as returns came in from the nation's first Republican presidential nominating contest.

"I believe that I am that true conservative who can and who will defeat Barack Obama in 2012," she said. "What we need is a fearless conservative, one with no compromises on their record on spending on health care, on crony capitalism, on defending America, on standing with our ally Israel."

Shortly before Bachmann spoke, her campaign manager suggested she might leave the race. Asked if he could say with certainty whether she would go forward with her candidacy, Bachmann campaign manager Keith Nahigian told The Associated Press in a telephone interview, "I don't know yet."

Nahigian added, "It's hard to tell, but everything is planned."

But shortly thereafter Nahigian said she was going "full steam" ahead.

Bachmann's showing was a sharp turn after she finished in first place in the Iowa GOP's summer straw poll. Coincidentally, her campaign bus took her past Ames, the site of her August triumph, as the dismal caucus results were rolling in.

"I'm disappointed with what happened in Iowa," said her state campaign chairman, Brad Zaun. "I think you move on. Iowa is one state."

Bachmann is sure to face pressure to reconsider her campaign even as she marches on. She acknowledged as much Tuesday night.

"Over the next few days, just be prepared," Bachmann said. "The pundits and the press will again try to pick the nominee based on tonight's results but there are many more chapters to be written on the path to our party's nomination."

On Fox News, 2008 vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said things looked dim for Bachmann.

"Unless she wants to spend her own money, I personally can't see how it's going to do a whole lot of good," Palin said.

Before the voting began, Bachmann traveled to the backyard of her childhood to make her final appeal for support, imploring voters in her native Iowa to "reclaim our country." But the caucus site was hardly unified. Bachmann would need more than hometown connections to pull back into contention.

"I feel sorry for her," said Randy Herod, a retired business consultant. "She's real nice, but this isn't her time."

South Carolina is Bachmann's next stop. The campaign has events planned there over the next few days.

She's effectively writing off New Hampshire, which holds a primary next week, for the Southern state that is, on paper, a better fit for her brand of conservatism. Like Iowa, the GOP electorate pays considerable attention to candidate stances on cultural issues.

Aside from Iowa, Bachmann has invested the most time in South Carolina. She hopes to tap into the state's base of tea party and Christian conservatives.

Associated Press


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More than 950 protesters invade Venezuelan prison (AP)

CARACAS, Venezuela ? More than 950 relatives of inmates are refusing to leave a Venezuelan prison in a protest to demand faster trial for inmates.

Prisons Minister Iris Varela says the relatives decided to "kidnap themselves" at the Yare I and II prison about 40 miles (70 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Caracas, during the New Year holiday. They include 800 women and 150 children and adolescents as well as a few men.

Varela says President Hugo Chavez has told authorities to negotiate peacefully.

State radio says Varela alleged on Tuesday that human rights groups financed by the CIA are trying to use the occupation "to destabilize the country."


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Thursday, January 5, 2012

US and SKorea discuss leadership change in NKorea (AP)

SEOUL, South Korea ? A senior U.S. diplomat says Washington is committed to strong ties with Seoul as the allies face a leadership transition in North Korea after Kim Jong Il's death.

Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell made the comments Thursday after meetings with South Korean officials in Seoul.

Campbell says Washington is determined to be tightly aligned with Seoul as Kim Jong Il's son Kim Jong Un takes power in North Korea.

Campbell is the highest-level U.S. official to visit the region since Kim's Dec. 17 death.

South Korea said Thursday that it would push this year for working-level contacts with North Korea.

The North's Rodong Sinmun newspaper said all North Koreans should "become an iron fortress in devotedly safeguarding Kim Jong Un."


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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Review: The Playstation 3D Display Lets You Bring All Of Your Friends

5889446392Back at E3, the gaming world let out a collective groan when Sony announced they were making a special 3D TV for the PS3. However, that groan swiftly turned into a clamor of adoration once it was explained that the TV, in addition to displaying 3D content, would also allow two players to play side by side, seeing different displays through two pairs of 3D glasses. Called SimulView, it was pretty darn cool. Fast forward to December and the 24-inch TV has shipped and costs $499. The display has two HDMI ports and little else - you plug in a PS3 and start playing games and Blu-Ray disks. Is this PS3-branded widescreen 1080p monitor good? Definitely. But is it a necessary accessory for gamers and non-gamers alike? That remains to be seen. Read on.


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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

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What's Happening at Apple's NYC Media Event This Month? [Rumor]

What's Happening at Apple's NYC Media Event This Month?All Things D reports that Apple is planning an event in NYC later this month that will focus on a "media-related announcement."

We don't know exactly what that means, but AllThingsD says it won't be related to the rumored Apple TV or the iPad?the last event Apple did in NY was launch the Daily, though, and we suspect it'll be related to iTunes or some kind of publishing deal. [AllThingsD]


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Monday, January 2, 2012

UK police flying to India to meet murdered Indian student Anuj Bidve’s family

UK police flying to India to meet murdered Indian student Anuj Bidve?s familyLondon, Jan 1 : British police officers are to fly to India to meet the family of 23-year-old murder victim Anuj Bidve who was shot in the head in Manchester.

Bidve, 23, a micro-electronics postgraduate from Lancaster University, was shot dead as he walked with friends near their hotel in Salford on December 26.

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said a senior officer, Chief Superintendent Russ Jackson, and a specially trained family liaison officer, who deals with bereaved families, will fly out to India and on their arrival will meet Bidve?s family and representatives from the Indian authorities, Mirror. co. uk reports.

?Our family liaison officers are in regular contact with Anuj?s family but passing information and updates over the phone is not the best way to communicate in such difficult and tragic circumstances,? said Assistant Chief Constable Dawn Copley.

?It is important to me personally, and Greater Manchester Police, to have someone from the force meet with Anuj''s family at the earliest opportunity and help support them at this time,? she said.

?Having conversations face-to-face is absolutely the right thing to do. We will of course also provide whatever support we can throughout the family''s forthcoming trip to the UK,? she added.

Senior officers have described the murder of Bidve as ?horrific? and a 50,000 pounds reward has been put up by police to help catch the killer. (ANI)


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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Iran reports nuclear progress as sanctions loom (Reuters)

TEHRAN (Reuters) - ? Iran announced a nuclear fuel breakthrough and test-fired a new radar-evading medium-range missile in the Gulf on Sunday, moves that could further antagonize the West at a time when Tehran is trying to avert harsh new sanctions on its oil industry.

U.S. President Barack Obama signed a law on Saturday imposing tougher financial sanctions to penalize Iran for a nuclear research programme that the West suspects is aimed at developing nuclear weapons.

The move could for the first time hurt Tehran's oil exports, and the European Union is due to consider similar steps soon.

As tensions have risen, Iran threatened last week to close the Strait of Hormuz, a narrow Gulf shipping lane through which 40 percent of world oil flows, if sanctions hit its oil exports.

At the same time, it signaled on Saturday that it was ready to resume stalled international talks on its nuclear programme.

It says the programme is completely peaceful and, in what Iranian media described as an engineering breakthrough, state television said Iran had successfully produced and tested its own uranium fuel rods for use in its nuclear power plants.

The rods were made in Iran and inserted into the core of Tehran's nuclear research reactor, the television reported.

Iran is trying to develop its own nuclear fuel cycle to power reactors without international help. Western countries are skeptical of some of Tehran's engineering claims but say they fear Iran's enrichment of uranium to make fuel could eventually lead to it producing a weapon.


In what has become part of a pattern of saber-rattling in recent weeks, Iran is finishing a 10-day Gulf naval exercise.

Deputy Navy Commander Mahmoud Mousavi told IRNA state news agency it had successfully test fired a medium-range surface-to-air missile equipped with "the latest sophisticated anti-radar technologies."

Iran has apparently delayed pre-announced plans to test its long-range missiles during the drill, saying the weapons would be launched in the next few days. Its long-range missiles could hit Israel or U.S. bases in the Middle East.

The United States and Israel say they have not ruled out military action against Iran if diplomacy fails to resolve the dispute over its nuclear programme.

Western analysts say Iran sometimes exaggerates its nuclear advances to try to gain leverage in its stand-off with the West.

The U.N. Security Council has already imposed four rounds of global sanctions on Iran, but Russia and China have refused to back sanctions that would seriously affect Iran's oil industry, so the EU and United States have taken measures on their own.

Just how far the latest U.S. measures will go could depend on how Obama decides to implement them.

The U.S. defense funding bill, approved by Congress last week, aims to reduce the oil revenues that make up the bulk of Iran's export earnings. Obama signed it in Hawaii on Saturday, where he was spending the Christmas holiday.

If enforced strictly, the sanctions could make it nearly impossible for most refiners to buy crude from Iran, the world's fourth biggest producer.


However, Obama asked for scope to apply the measures flexibly, and will have discretion to waive penalties. Senior U.S. officials said Washington was consulting foreign partners to ensure the new measures did not harm global energy markets.

Despite its missile tests, war games and threats to close the Hormuz Strait, Iran has also made conciliatory gestures, saying it wants to resume talks with major powers, stalled for a year, about its nuclear research programme.

Western officials suggest the offer may be a stalling tactic to avert sanctions and buy time for more nuclear progress.

Iranian media reported on Saturday that nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili would write to the EU foreign policy chief to say Iran was ready for talks.

A senior Western diplomat in Tehran, who asked not to be identified, said the stepped-up Iranian threats show "that they are worried about losing petrodollars, on which more than 60 percent of the economy depends."

The rising tensions are having an impact at home. Iran's currency has nosedived in recent weeks as ordinary Iranians have moved money from savings accounts into gold or foreign currency.

The price of staple foods has increased by up to 40 percent in recent months and many critics have put the blame on increasing isolation brought about by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's economic and foreign policies.

(Writing by Peter Graff; Editing by Kevin Liffey)


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